Ranger Monitoring Program

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El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is one of Mexico’s most important protected areas. To conserve this vital region, FONCET A.C. promotes the #ParkRangers surveillance project.

Ranger Monitoring Program

Join our cause and make a difference today

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is one of Mexico’s most important protected areas. To conserve this vital region, FONCET A.C. promotes the #ParkRangers surveillance project.

Discover the parkranger project and join the cause

With the support of donors, we promote nature conservation in the Triunfo Biosphere Reserve through surveillance actions.

Make a donation today and help preserve the most magical forest in the world

Biological monitoring​

Camera trapping to register the species that inhabit the area and determine the health of the forests and jungles.

Prevention and fight of forest fires

Surveillance patrols help prevent forest fires, but they also form part of the first line of defense in case of a fire.

Environmental education​

They visit communities and small towns, spreading the conservation message and socializing the management plan with young people who see them as role models.

Species of The Triunfo

The cloud forest of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is home to a large number of species, many of them in danger of extinction. The Triunfo park rangers carry out surveillance work in their habitat to conserve these species.

The jaguar (Panthera onca): is a large feline that lives in the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. It is the third largest feline in the world. Parkrangers carry out conservation activities for the species through camera trap records and habitat conservation.

The quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno): is an emblematic bird of Mesoamerica, famous for its beauty and its cultural and symbolic meaning. It is especially known for its colorful plumage and its relationship with various pre-Columbian cultures, such as the Mayans and the Aztecs. It lives in the forests of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. Park rangers monitor the species through records and also conduct surveillance tours to preserve its habitat.

The Horned Guan (Oreophasis derbianus): also known as the Mountain Guan, is a species of bird belonging to the Cracidae family. It is a bird endemic to the mountains of Central America and, due to its limited distribution and specific habitat, is classified as vulnerable. It lives in the forests of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, and parkrangers monitor the species and conserve its habitat.

Discover more about the magical forest of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve

Your donation is tax deductible in the United States

 More information: cestrada@fondoeltriunfo.org