At FONCET we recognize the need to align poverty reduction with conservation objectives, which is why our motto is “Healthy ecosystems, thriving communities.” Food production, soil fertility and the maintenance of environmental services that regulate the climate and ensure the availability of water and food depend on biodiversity.

Reto Triunfo / El Triunfo Challenge
Young people from rural communities face a great challenge: the lack of arable land, in many cases they do not have the possibility of continuing the work that their parents and grandparents did, so they migrate to the north in search of opportunities. To promote the roots of these young people in their communities and to promote agents of change in them, Reto Triunfo was created, a youth entrepreneurship program that seeks to strengthen the local and business capabilities of young people from the communities. This program provides training and equipment for the best ideas that come from the minds of these young people.

Remote Schools
Located in two communities of the La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, these remote learning centers serve to strengthen the capacities of youth and adults, equipped with computers and satellite internet, provide courses ranging from computer topics to personal development topics and offer users educational activities specific to their different educational levels.