Call: el triuNFO conservation foundation
Project Sponsored by:
El Triunfo Conservation Foundation is an allied organization established in the USA to support FONCET’s activities. They have successfully secured funds to finance conservation and sustainable development projects in Chiapas. Therefore, every year we release a call for project funding.

For the third consecutive year, FONCET and the El Triunfo Conservation Foundation are conducting our ‘Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Rural Development’ call for 2023, inviting civil society organizations and grassroots community organizations to apply for non-refundable resources (grants).
This year, we will be supporting the productive chains of fishing, aquaculture, cocoa, and community tourism.

With the resources from ETCF, we were able to finance 2 projects that help transform conventional production systems into agroforestry systems. These 2 projects addressed livestock systems in Tiltepec, located in the La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, and the maize and bean system in 4 communities within the Selva El Ocote Biosphere Reserve. This allowed us to convert 27 hectares into silvopastoral systems and 10 hectares into intercropped corn and fruit tree systems. These two projects aim to benefit young people and women who are not typically included in conservation projects. As a result, we were able to improve the capacity of 5 young women and 2 young men to monitor silvopastoral systems. Additionally, we benefited the La Peñita nursery, which is entirely managed by a group of women, and they were able to provide fruit trees to producers for reforestation.