To conserve by educating
“Education is the fundamental basis for awareness, and when it comes to the environment, the impact is tremendously significant. That’s why, in collaboration with various organizations, we produce printed materials, which are primarily distributed by theater groups in communities.”
Get to know the conservation stories and join our cause!
You can be part of this knowledge! We offer our materials for free download.
Did you know that FONCET prints environmental education materials to bring the conservation message to remote communities?
We have reached more than 10,000 children in communities in the Sierra Madre and the coast of Chiapas with these materials (comics and coloring books).
Free Download
Mamíferos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Amazing colorbook of mammals of the Sierra Madre of Chiapas
Aves de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Beautiful colorbook of some birds of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Aves del Triunfo
El Triunfo is the home of incredible bird species, get to know them with this colorbook
Your donation allows us to continue carrying the conservation message to remote communities, through puppet theater groups.
a story to share
1 coloring book, or comic costs $20 pesos, JOIN, your donation will directly make a difference for our cause.
Otra forma de apoyar
Tu donativo es deducible de impuestos
- Fondo de Conservación El Triunfo A.C
- Banamex
- Número de cuenta: 73217
- Sucursal: 4261
- Clabe: 0021 0042 6100 7321 74
- Concepto: Educación ambiental
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